Virtual Geological Field Trip

Instructors: J. Lamarche, J. Borgomano, M. Rizza, F. Civet

This training course corresponds to a virtual field trip through the Virtuafield software. VirtuaField  is a VR software enabling students to practice field trip.

A virtual field trip is proposed from numerical outcrops at different scales. The virtual geological and geomorphological excursion addresses sedimentological (carbonates) and structural (fractures/faults) observations as well as fault activity and seismic risks. 

The course sessions include two case studies:

  • Another trip in the fractured carbonates : located at La Fare les Oliviers (South-East, France). 
  • Active faulting on the Monte Vettore : located at Monte Vettore (Italy). 

The Virtuafield software can be used with either:

  • a VR headset for a full immersion view;
  • a keyboard and a mouse for a screen view.

The experience will be the same, except for the 3D immersion.

The registration includes:

  • 3 month license for Virtuafield
  • Access to the shortcourse platform
  • Access to software and virtual scene
  • Geological field trip contents


Technical requirements:

  • PC station with Windows 10
  • keyboards/mouse for non-VR user
  • wired headset for VR user

Example of a virtual field trip, with students and conducted by a professor, and the dataset for the virtual excursions


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